Policy & Industry
Riverina Agriconsultants’ diverse range of skills allows us to undertake specific project opportunities relating to government policy and industry development.
More information on specific projects is available below:
International Project Work
International project work in relation to new industries.
Centre of Excellence in Irrigated Agriculture
Preparation of a business case for a Centre of Excellence in Irrigated Agriculture based at Griffith for the Griffith City Council in conjunction with Deakin University in April 2016. A copy can be found below under Business paper for Council meeting 10/05/2016. Please note this document is 154 pages and will take time to download. Riverina Agriconsultant’s Business Case article is Pages 86 to 154.
Griffith City Council
Griffith City Council’s submission to the inquiry into the augmentation of water supply for rural and regional NSW in August 2016. A copy of the submission can be found on the Inquiries website.
An independent assessment of irrigation crop options for Sunrice 2014 and subsequent update in 2015. The preparation of this report included the presentation of findings to ricegrower meetings held in Griffith, Coleambally and Deniliquin.
A copy of this report can be found under Southern NSW Irrigated Crop Options Analysis.
Let us help you get the most out of your agricultural business
Providing a broad range of skills to support our comprehensive services