International Projects
Riverina Agriconsultants undertake due diligence on off-shore businesses and/or on new commercial opportunities.
Our focus tends to be on new and emerging industries centred on irrigation. To respect client confidentiality, a limited commentary on some international agribusiness projects that we have been involved with is listed below:
West Africa
Prepared a business plan for a new rice production system with projected production of 3,000 tonnes per annum. The business plan included description of the project, market analysis, risk assessment and detailed financial modelling.
East Africa
Undertook all background investigations, options assessments, business modelling and value chain modelling on a vertically integrated rice project. Assisted with staff recruitment. Liaised with full bureaucratic and political strata up to presidential advisors. Established in 2006 and reviewed project in 2010.
Indian Ocean
Undertook full due diligence on a specialist rice hybrid and open pollinated rice breeding project including a market appraisal of the markets for seed sales. Also assessed the value chain and commercial structures for the processing and packaging of the associated commercial rice component of the business.
East Africa
Undertook detailed site and industry investigations for a proposed commercial rice project in East Africa. Target production 600,000 tonne of paddy rice per annum. Project work included full business planning and integrated physical/financial modelling of the complete value chain. Assisted with the initial staffing and liaising through some early site and situation specific trial work. Worked directly with senior bureaucrats as part of the national food security program.
Undertook detailed physical and financial modelling encompassing the full value chain through to distribution and marketing for a 25,000ha irrigated rice project on the White Nile in the Sudan. Supported soil and topographic survey teams working in situ and undertook detailed crop water modelling to assist with detailed irrigation design.
Attended a site review in the Sudan for a proposed 25,000ha irrigated project on the Blue Nile with an existing private client and a new client investigating a new joint venture which included large scale rice production among other crops. Provided high level risk reviews and an overview of the technical and commercial constraints. Included full value chain assessments.
View the range of presentations and publications we’ve been involved in.